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Choose the right style, shape and size dining table for your home

Choose the right style, shape and size dining table for your home

How to choose a dining table

The dining table is the heart of the home during mealtimes. Whether you’re sharing sparkling wines and antipasti platters with friends, relishing an intimate night of dining a deux, or gathering the family together for a festive feast, it’s a place for enjoying time (and tasty recipes) together.

So, when it comes to investing in a new dining table, you want to make sure it’s suitable for everyone, on any occasion. We’ve brought together our useful tips so you can feel confident that you’ve chosen the right dining table for you and your family.

What size dining table should I pick?

Before you settle on the style or shape, it’s worth figuring out what size is best for your needs. Ask yourself, how many people does it have to seat? Should it be extendable? Can I squeeze more people onto the ends if I need to, and will they have enough legroom? How much space around a dining table do I need? Once you’ve got the answers to these questions, you can begin narrowing down your search.

What dining table styles work for me?

Ultimately, you want to pick a style that suits your home, but you also need it to have longevity in case you decide to change your interior over the years. A timber or minimalist design will always look timeless, and they can be easily matched with dining chairs, benches, seat pads, and tabletop accessories from various design styles to coordinate with your scheme.

How to dress a dining table

When thinking about how to decorate a dining table, it’s good to consider whether this for a particular occasion or for everyday use. An everyday tablescape is easy to create with a table runner down its centre alongside a vase with decorative fresh or faux foliage, and a trio of candles. But if it’s for a special celebration, now is your chance to go all out. Bring pure linen napkins, your best crockery, handwritten name labels and a beautiful centrepiece to the table.


We hope you’re feeling confident in your dining table search now that you’ve got our tips to hand. For a variety of tables in all shapes, sizes and styles, take a look at our offering by clicking the button below.

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