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A Recipe from Landrace Bakery

A Recipe from Landrace Bakery

A Seasonal Menu

Head down the road from our Bath store and you’ll find the wholesome Landrace Bakery and Restaurant; champion of local produce, famous for  sticky cinnamon buns, and a firm G&G favourite. We spoke to talented Head Chef Rob Sachdev to learn how to make buttermilk pudding, a decadent dessert from their seasonal menu which uses British-grown ingredients.

“We work very closely with Westcombe Dairy, a traditional cheesemaker here in Somerset who creates a special salted butter just for us. We are always trying to reduce food waste so, as buttermilk is a by-product of the butter-making process, it felt right to find it a place on our menu. We pair the buttermilk pudding with our seasonal forced Yorkshire rhubarb and crisp homemade shortbread.

“Forced Yorkshire rhubarb is a fading art form. Farmers grow the plant in large, pitch-dark barns, often working by candlelight. This encourages the plant to grow tall in search of light and means that the plant concentrates its sugars for a more delicious taste and vivid pink colour. Yorkshire rhubarb is protected and there is a designated geographical area called the Rhubarb Triangle where it’s produced.”

Read on to make this sweet dish at home or taste the original by reserving a table at Landrace Bakery.

Buttermilk Pudding | Photography by Ed Schofield


For the pudding:

400g buttermilk

300g double cream

125g caster sugar

1 unwaxed lemon, grated zest

2 gelatine leaves 

1 vanilla pod

For the rhubarb compote:

1kg Yorkshire rhubarb

300g caster sugar


You will need a large saucepan, fine sieve and a whisk to make this recipe.


    1. To begin, soak the gelatine leaves in cold water for five minutes.
    2. Weigh the buttermilk and transfer it into a large mixing bowl. The bowl needs to be large enough to hold the entire recipe.
    3. Scrape the seeds from the vanilla pod. Put the vanilla, cream and sugar for the pudding into a saucepan and place on a medium heat. Whisk to disperse the vanilla seeds.
    4. Bring the cream just up to the boil. As soon as it starts to boil, remove it from the heat.
    5. Wring out the gelatine from the cold water and dissolve in the warm cream and sugar mixture.
    6. Pass the gelatine cream mixture through a fine sieve onto the buttermilk. Add the lemon zest and mix it all together to form a smooth, even consistency.
    7. Pour into your containers and put into the fridge. Leave for at least 3 hours to set. We set ours in 2-litre ice cream containers then lift the portions out with a spoon, but you could also set them in small pudding bowls as individual portions.
    8. While the puddings are setting, make your rhubarb compote. First, chop your rhubarb into roughly 1cm-diced cubes. Try to be fairly accurate with the size so the fruit cooks evenly.
    9. Add the rhubarb and the caster sugar to a heavy-bottomed pan and warm on a medium heat. Cook for around 15 minutes. The rhubarb will release all its juices and stew down with the sugar.
    10. Taste it. If it’s too sour then add more sugar – rhubarb varies massively in sweetness depending on the time in the season
    11. Once the rhubarb is soft, strain off the excess liquid and put aside. We use this liquid in our house cordials and cocktails
    12. Chill the compote until fridge-cold for 2-3 hours.

When ready, scoop out your pudding with a warm spoon and serve with your compote. We like to add some homemade shortbread for a little crunch.

Yorkshire Rhubarb | Photography by Rob Sachdev

Landrace Bakery | Photography by Ed Schofield

For more inspiration from Landrace Restaurant, follow @landraceupstairs and for bread, buns, coffee and more sweet treats follow @landracebakery.

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